Tragic melodrama in three acts. Music by Giuseppe Verdi.
Libretto by Salvatore Cammarano, from Kabale und Liebe by Friedrich Schiller

First representation: Napoli, Teatro San Carlo, 8 dicembre 1849.


Il conte di Walter Cristian Saitta
Rodolfo Kazuki Yoshida
Federica Aoxue Zhu
Wurm Xhieldo Hyseni
Miller Gangsoon Kim
Luisa Alessia Panza (27/10, 3 e 5/11, 10 e 12/11, 15/12), Caterina Meldolesi (29/10, 17/12)
Laura Caterina Meldolesi (27/10, 3 e 5/11, 10 e 12/11, 15/12), Alessia Panza (29/10, 17/12)

Carlo Goldstein

Frédéric Roels 

Costumes and set Lionel Lesire
Lightning designer Laurent Castaingt
Directors’ assistant Nathalie Gendrot 

Chorus director Diego Maccagnola

Coro di OperaLombardia
Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali

Coproduction Teatri di OperaLombardia, Opéra Grand Avignon, Opéra de Tours, Opera Slaska Bytom

New staging


Luisa Miller by Giuseppe Verdi, opera among the least performed among the Composer’s works and absent from OperaLombardia since 2001, will be the fourth title of 2023. The staging will be an international co-production with Opéra Grand Avignon, Opéra de Tours, Opera Slaska Bytom and the Teatri of Opera Lombardia.



Como, Teatro Sociale: October 27 and 29, 2023

Brescia, Teatro Grande: November 3 and 5, 2023

Cremona, Teatro Ponchielli: November 10 and 12, 2023

Pavia, Teatro Fraschini: December 15 and 17, 2023



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